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Marie-Claude LAMARCHE was born on February 6th, 1959 in Versailles. She is currently living in Hyères Les Palmiers.

She was a children's educator by profession for 5 years in Paris and, at that time already, pointed up activities that imply creativity and expression.

As of 1987, her interest for painting found satisfaction with history of art lectures at the Art School of Marseille. Moreover, she attended a drawing course.

Her passion for painting became greater and greater and it will be in workshops that she takes the plunge, confidently, towards a more open expression by means of oil painting with a palette knife.

Progressively more and more detached of the figurative, Marie-Claude LAMARCHE has evolved towards a more suggestive expression, sometimes close to abstraction. Utterly creative, nurtured by imagination and inner feelings, her paintings have powerfully become apparent on big size canvasses.

Solo Exhibitions


© Marie-Claude LAMARCHE All rights reserved "Tous droits réservés" Toute reproduction, même partielle est interdite sans autorisaton.

In our society over overabundance, excessive consumption, the human being has lost his marks, the meaning of real things and genuineness, the essential values of life.

Throughout my paintings I tend to free myself from what is superfluous, from appearances, from this material world that we are burdened with, by suggesting a disconnection, an inspiration of liberty, an evocation more than a representation.

The style of drawing is refined, the color pallet restricted. Black being so magical, shades of grey unlimitedly declined, sienna, and just enough color to enable to bring about other vibrations.

A voluntary sobriety in order not to fail to concentrate. In a whisper the message can be heard without the need of a flock of colors

A requirement however: equilibrium, harmony between the colors, shapes and the light, which plays a key role. "

Introduced to the rigor of academic drawing in workshops and to sketching in the open with painter Gérard DELPUECH at Vaison la Romaine, Marie-Claude LAMARCHE will later on paint in different workshops, which means that she will discover a wide range of techniques. As of 1996, in Puget Ville, she set up the Festi'Arts event, together with the association Trait dUnion.

The event included amongst others a painting and photography contest, organized activities, exhibitions, and Marie-Claude LAMARCHE acted as the organizer of the event until she settled in Hyères Les Palmiers in 2000.

"Forteresse d'Amour", Huile, 30F

"Port d'attache", Huile, 25F

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